Is your Tampa website design getting you results?

Having an efficient, user-friendly, professional website is more valuable than ever, and with that need comes the task of asking yourself if your website getting you the results that you need? We advise clients that it’s time to begin re-evaulating your website and it’s condition every couple of years. Experts do agree that the lifespan of a website is right around that 2 year mark with the advancements of technology, Web platforms, functionality and more. Forbes Magazine (who cites Orbit Media) now says that the average lifespan of a website is just over 2 years… Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and having a site that is up to date and functional is of utmost importance.

We’ve put together a list of items to go through when determining if your Tampa website is really getting you the results that you need and deserve:

1. Is your website responsive and mobile friendly?

According to Think with Google close to 60% of all website traffic is now mobile. Over one out of every two visitors to your website is viewing your site on a mobile device… with that in mind, is your site fast, functional and user-friendly on all mobile platforms? If the answer is no, it’s time for an upgrade! Websites should look good and load fast on mobile devices, and in fact, Google places a hard emphasis on a site’s speed and functionality on phones and other mobile devices. So, the first question to ask yourself when considering a Tampa website redesign, is: how efficient is my website on mobile platforms?

2. Do your brand/logo properly align with your website?

A big question is does your website properly display your logo and convey your brand’s message? Having a new, functional website with an outdated logo can cause confusion and issues with your audience. It’s imperative that your website align with your brand to properly target your audience in Tampa Bay and beyond.

3. Does your website make things easier for your customers?

Online technology is constantly evolving, and with that in mind a question you may want to ask is: is my website user-friendly and easy to navigate? Your website may look decent from a design standpoint, but does it allow your users to effectively navigate the site and easily find the information that would be important to them. If not, it might be time to think about a Tampa Website Redesign.

4. Does your website work and function properly?

A website may be up to par from a design standpoint, but does everything continuously work correctly? If not, it may be time for a website redesign or at the very least, a maintenance plan with a reputable web developer. Keeping features, plugins, themes and platforms, such as WordPress and PHP updated are highly important for the ongoing success of your website. An outdated plugin can lead to features such as social media feeds breaking or events calendars not displaying correctly. In addition not updating your site on a consistent schedule can cause issues with security and malware as well.

5. Are you using Analytics software and staying up to date on your analytics?

One easy and efficient way to tell how you are getting website traffic, from where, and how engaged that traffic is on your website is by using Analytics tools and software. Does your Tampa website have software such as Google Analytics installed and integrated? Are you using your analytics monthly to determine how well your website is doing? If not, then you should be. Google Analytics is free, it automatically collects data and formats that data in a useful way to show you where your website visitors are coming from, how long they’re staying on your site, and how engaged they are.

6. Does your website have a prominent call to action?

Ask yourself what your website’s primary goal is and then determine if your website is achieving that goal? Is your website’s goal to sell products? Maybe it’s getting users to pick up the phone and call about your services? Or maybe it’s getting visitors to subscribe to your email newsletter or other online service? Whatever the case may be, if your website isn’t effectively elevating your product, service or call to action, then it’s not accomplishing the primary goal that it should.

7. Is your website easily managed and updatable?

Are you stuck in a place where you cannot update your website or get a developer to make changes? Your website should be designed and built in such a way that it is relatively simple for you to make basic updates and changes. Or you should be working with a developer or agency that is quick to make updates, changes, and additions for you. With WordPress and page builders, such as Beaver Builder, designing and building an updatable website is more important and easier than ever.

After reading through this list, determine if your website is truly working for your Tampa Bay business. If not, reach out to us and let us help! We’ve assisted hundreds of other clients, and Tiny Cactus can do the same for you and your company. We specialize in both new sites as well as website redesigns and bringing those projects up to speed… Our goal is to create a long lasting relationship with you and help your website grow your business and sell your products.